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热度 4已有 88 次阅读2024-2-1 03:47


一个《龙年龘龘》主题帖,将在立春后的龙年在本网出现。龘龘,读音是dá dá(达),汉语词语,解释为龙腾飞的样子。我相信,待龙年结束的时候,我本人立的这个主题帖会生成一本带有门球狂人自身特色的、本网站独特的、源于龙年的集子。
鲁迅先生《故乡》一文中有话:世上本无路 走的人多了也便成了路......
(刘会军 2024.2.1)

    Today is February 1, 2024, and there are four days left until the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon. The precise time for the beginning of spring this year is 4th February at 16:26:53. After the beginning of spring this year, the Chinese lunar year of Jia Chen officially begins.

Yesterday, some adjustments were made to the forum section of the Gateball website. A new "Collection Column" section was added. Administered by Hua Jiazi, the "Hua Jiazi Column" and the "Gateball Enthusiast Column" were created.

Yesterday (January 31st), I started to fill in the content for the "Gateball Enthusiast Column." It is not an exaggeration to say that it will take a long time to browse through once it is completed.

With the establishment of the "Collection Column," people will have a clearer comparison between traditional websites and platforms such as QQ, Weibo, WeChat apps, public accounts, and Meipian. Traditional websites still have their own advantages, especially in terms of accumulating data, and the Gateball website has unique advantages in this aspect.

For example, over the past few years, some of my articles and diaries have gradually formed the capital for "writing and speaking." With the establishment of the "Collection Column" on the website, it will lead the website towards professional and theoretical development after a long period of time (since the establishment of the website). The spiral rise and wave-like progress will help more people understand principles, logic, dialectics, and other seemingly professional terms. In fact, the existence and development of anything have their own logic and rules, but it may differ due to our different perceptions.

At the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, I will try a new approach: integrating some of my writing with English. In a sense, through this website, some people will know what we are doing, doing what we love, enjoying the pleasures of life, and the kind of life we want.

A theme post titled "Year of the Dragon" will appear on the website in the Year of the Dragon after the beginning of spring. "龘龘," pronounced as "dá dá" (da), is a Chinese word that means the appearance of a flying dragon. I believe that by the end of the Year of the Dragon, this theme post will become a unique collection with the distinctive features of a Gateball enthusiast, unique to the website, and originating from the Year of the Dragon.

By the way, this will be a collection of about a hundred articles, carefully crafted in both Chinese and English, in the "Gateball Enthusiast Column," which will take a year to complete. As one of the first "merchants" to join the "Collection Column" on the Gateball website in January 31, 2024, I will become the operator of this column.

In Lu Xun's "The Hometown," he said: "There was no road in the world, but as more people walked, a road was made." (Liu Huijun, February 1, 2024)






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回复 海兰 2024-2-1 06:57
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