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《卜算子 · 咏梅》赏析

热度 1已有 54 次阅读2024-1-12 05:48

1966年,我在老家安国上高小期间,学过《卜算子 · 咏梅》。这是毛主席“读陆游咏梅词,反其意而用之”。毛主席的咏梅词我很快就学会了,也会背诵了。陆游的原作我也很喜欢,也很快就会背了。时至今日,这两首词我还能背诵,可见童子功还是挺有用的。后来随着阅历的增长,知道了毛主席和陆游的写作背景,更加理解了作者创作该词的心境。更记起了五十八年前老师在课堂上讲解此首词的一些细节。


毛主席作的《卜算子·咏梅 》






【宋】陆游作的《卜算子·咏梅 》







    In 1966, during my time at the primary school in my hometown of Anguo, I studied "Ode to the Plum Blossom" by Chairman Mao. This was Mao's "reading of Lu You's Ode to the Plum Blossom, using it in an opposite way." I quickly learned Mao's Ode to the Plum Blossom and could recite it. I also quickly learned Lu You's original work and could recite it as well. To this day, I can still recite these two poems, showing that the effort I put into learning them as a child was indeed worthwhile. As I grew older and gained more experience, I learned about the writing backgrounds of Chairman Mao and Lu You, which deepened the emotions behind the creation of these poems. It also brought back memories of my teacher explaining the details of this poem in the classroom fifty-eight years ago.

The two different styles of Ode to the Plum Blossom, each to be appreciated in turn.

Chairman Mao's "Ode to the Plum Blossom":

Wind and rain send spring away, flying snow welcomes spring back. Even with cliffs covered in hundred-foot ice, there are still beautiful flower branches. Beautiful, not competing for spring, just delivering the message of spring. When the mountain flowers bloom, she smiles among the flowers.


The wind and rain send off the departing spring, and the flying snow welcomes the return of spring. Even with cliffs covered in hundred-foot ice, there are still beautiful flower branches. The plum blossom, though beautiful, does not compete for the glory of spring, but simply delivers the message of spring to the other flowers. When the mountain is covered in colorful flowers, she smiles among the flowers.

Lu You's "Ode to the Plum Blossom":

By the broken bridge outside the post station, the lonely plum blossoms bloom without an owner. It's already dusk, and they are alone and in sorrow, enduring the wind and rain. Unintentionally not competing for spring, letting the other flowers envy. Fallen and turned to dust, only the fragrance remains unchanged.


By the broken bridge outside the post station, the lonely plum blossoms bloom without an owner. It's already dusk, and they are alone and in sorrow, enduring the wind and rain. Unintentionally not competing for spring, letting the other flowers envy. Fallen and turned to dust, only the fragrance remains unchanged.

Appreciation: There are countless poems and lyrics written by Chinese literati about plum blossoms, with similar themes and tones. Chairman Mao, with the demeanor of a great poet, created a new landscape and atmosphere with his Ode to the Plum Blossom, sweeping away the melancholy, decadence, and reclusiveness of the literati of the past. Lu You's view of the plum blossoms as solitary, passive, desolate, and self-indulgent. Chairman Mao's "reading of Lu You's Ode to the Plum Blossom, using it in an opposite way," praises the plum blossoms for being "beautiful, not competing for spring, just delivering the message of spring. When the mountain flowers bloom, she smiles among the flowers." The "beauty" and "smile" bring a refreshing change, revealing a robust, majestic, and elegant artistic charm. I love both Odes to the Plum Blossom, so much so that I have remembered and recited them for almost sixty years. Ma Hongwen and Wang Baoying from Zhuozhou are local opera enthusiasts and singers, and I have heard their performance of Ode to the Plum Blossom many times, never tiring of it. Zhuozhou has been holding commemorative events for Chairman Mao's birthday on December 26 for ten consecutive years. This year will be the eleventh time, and I hope to hear the performance of Chairman Mao's "Ode to the Plum Blossom" once again.







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回复 川禾 2024-1-12 16:55

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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